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Jewish cemeteries in Latvia

Jewish cemeteries in Latvia

Price, EUR 40.00 EUR
Weight, g 825 g
Availability is available

Language: LV/EN/RU/HE

Publication year: 2006

ISBN: 9984-19-904-5

Product dimensions: 225 x 296 x 14mm

Pages: 175

Format: Hardback

Author: Meyer Meler

Editorial Board: Menachem Barkahan, Rita Bogdanova, Nathan Barkan, Margers Vestermanis

Chief Editor: Dr. hist.Grigory Smirin

This book is also an expression of grief about the forgotten Jews of Latvia, who imbued this ground with their sweat and blood. The mission of this book is to remind us that a human being is alive until we cease to remember him or her. This book is a call to remember our ancestors so that our successors – children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren – know from where they come.