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Materials on the History of the Jews in Latvia

Materials on the History of the Jews in Latvia

Price, EUR 35.00 EUR
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Language: EN

Publication year: 2022

ISBN: 978-9934-9060-1-5

Product dimensions: 144 x 215 x 27mm

Pages: 393

Editorial Board: Rabbi Dr. paed. Menachem Barkahan
Tatiana Aleksejeva
Rita Bogdanova

Chief Editor: Dr. hist.Grigory Smirin

Project manager: Julija Terescenko

This is a collection of historical publications released into the world in the middle of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century in German and Yiddish. These publications survived in single copies and today are almost impossible to access. R. Wunderbar's work, "The history of theJews in the Provinces of Livonia and Courlans from the Time of Their First Substantiation There to the Current Time" (1853) is the very first study of Jews in the history of present-day Latvia. The brochure by A. Erlich, "The History of the Development of a Jewish Community School in Riga: Feature Article from Cultural History" (1894) is dedicated to the history of the Riga Jewish scools (the first secular Jewish school in the Russian Empire being founded in 1839). Released in Yiddish in 1928 was the work of L. Ovchinsky, "Jews in Latvia: Courland and Semigalia, 1561-1923." These studies are especially valuable because their authors use a number of historical sources that have not been seen until the present time. This collection fulfills the criteria of a scientific publication: It contains a number of applications, tables, and detailed comments on many concepts, names, and places. All the works included in the collection, which to this day have not lost their scientific value, hereby become available to the wider scientific community and all readers interested in history.

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