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Riga Forum 2017 Digest

Riga Forum 2017 Digest

Price, EUR 10.00 EUR
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Language: EN/RU

Publication year: 2017

ISBN: 978-9934-8695-3-2

Product dimensions: 143 x 212 x 22mm

Pages: 411

Format: Paperback

Author: Menahems Barkahans

Editorial Board: Karina Datashvili, Svetlana Samovarova

The 5th International Conference "Holocaust museums and memorial sites in postcommunist countries: challenges and opportunities" & 2nd roundtable "Contemporary problems of tolerance" which has been held on September 4-6, 2017. More than 100 participants from 17 countries participated in the Forum. The participants of the forum were scientists, teachers, politics, and journalists. The main topics discussed were questions of history and modern issues. Participants shared their experience and presented current projects. The collection contains materials of conferences, organized by the Shamir Association (Riga, Latvia) in 2017. The main focus of these conferences was to share stories, experiences about the Holocaust, and speak about the situation in different countries.