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Materials of conferences 2015-2016

Materials of conferences 2015-2016

Price, EUR 10.00 EUR
Weight, g 660 g
Availability is available

Language: EN/LV

Publication year: 2016

ISBN: 978-9934-8494-6-6

Product dimensions: 145 x 216 x 27 mm

Pages: 582

Format: Paperback

Author: Menahems Barkahans

Editorial Board: Rita Bogdanova, Joseph Rochko,

Chief Editor: Dr. hist.Grigory Smirin

The collection contains materials of conferences, organized by Shamir Association (Riga, Latvia) in 2015-2016. The collection is a summary about the topics of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust. The conference and seminar have a distinct aim that is to present and focus on such topics as the history of anti-Semitism, the challenges and opportunities of teaching about the Holocaust, the unsolved problems of the Holocaust, preserving the memories of all those who have fallen and how anti-Semitism is still active today in the world.