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3000 Fates. The Deportation of Jews from the Terezin Ghetto to Riga, 1942

3000 Fates. The Deportation of Jews from the Terezin Ghetto to Riga, 1942

Price, EUR 15.00 EUR
Weight, g 403 g
Availability delivery of custom

Language: EN

Publication year: 2014

ISBN: 978-9934-8448-5-0

Product dimensions: 170 x 241 x 12mm

Pages: 240

Format: Paperback

Author: Elena Makarova, Sergey Makarov

Editorial Board: Menachem Barkahan,
Alena Yevlakhovich

Chief Editor: Dr. hist.Grigory Smirin

Project manager: Victoria Shaldova

The book 3000 Fates is based on police documents from the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, diaries from Terezin, letters from the Riga Ghetto, survivors’ recollections, and other sources. This book is dedicated to a tragic event of the Second World War, the deportation of three thousand Jewish prisoners from the Terezin ghetto to Riga in January and August 1942. It is based on archival documents and the accounts of eyewitnesses, survivors of the Terezin and Riga ghettos, of the concentration camps Salaspils, Kaiserwald, Stutthof, Buchenwald, Dachau, and of the death marches. Augmented by numerous photographs and documents, it gives a three-dimensional picture of Jewish life in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia and illustrates human confrontation of the machine of destruction.